
Patio Furniture …

One thing about a Lowcountry home: There's nearly always a porch, often even two...

Because porch sittin' here is a beloved tradition, stretching back generations. Far beyond mere casual pastime, it's a bona fide art. So when we set out to craft our own signature line of outdoor furniture, it absolutely had to be good enough for our own local porches! Our four Durawood collections, though directly inspired by traditional Lowcountry outdoor porch furniture of old, are nonetheless constructed from highest-quality modern synthetic materials, to hold up to even our own heavy coastal weather. All the better to put you in that peaceful, easy porch-sittin' state of mind.


Legondary Hammocks …

Driving into Pawleys Island, South Carolina, you notice something unique about the welcome signs…

Just below the Pawleys Island name is a picture of a hammock. That's because this beautiful seaside town of salt marshes, live oaks and Spanish moss, where our Original Pawleys Island® brand began 125 years ago, is to the American style of hammock what Hershey, Pennsylvania, is to the chocolate bar. Pawleys Island set the standard. A highly crafted hammock is like candy for both the body and soul. So we at Pawleys Island® Hammocks invite you to take your own big bite of unparalleled relaxation. You're going to love how sweet it feels.


Swings …

Remember how, as a kid, life just couldn’t seem to get much better than when you were swaying in a backyard swing, legs waving free?

Because it felt like you could almost fly, even as you were still tethered safely to Earth. So why should a sensation so utterly satisfying be lost just because you had to grow up a little? Our Pawleys Island swings are places to let your feet dangle and dreams fly, all within comforting distance of ground.